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Text File | 1996-09-27 | 57.1 KB | 1,722 lines |
- Documentation
- WComm Version 1.80
- WComm the Window manipulation tool for the Amiga
- Index:
- What Is WComm
- System Requirements
- Legal Stuff
- Installation and Start
- CLI-Start
- WBench-Start
- HotKeys
- List Of Functions
- General
- OS 2.04 Gadgets
- The Main Window
- The Exclusion Window
- The Window Prefs Window
- The Clock Prefs Window
- The Palette Window
- The Notify Window
- The Clock Window
- Error Handling
- Technical
- List Of Files
- Address
- What Is WComm:
- WComm is a standard commodity which enables you to manipulate windows
- in different ways. WComm has 43 window manipulation functions. You are
- able to:
- move,
- enlarge,
- minimize windows,
- set windows to specified size and positions,
- reset,
- close,
- zip,
- tile,
- cascade,
- bring to front and back windows,
- you can change to every screen and window,
- etc..
- WComm has also the ability to notify the user about special dates.
- Therefor you can insert the dates and times of this events in the
- notify window. When the specified time is come, a requester will be
- opened and an optional command can be started (EXECUTE, RUN or AREXX).
- WComm has also a user friendly clock with different kinds of date and
- time formats. It has an alarm function and is fully user definable.
- WComm can exclude several given windows from some functions or even
- include only some windows for this functions.
- WComm can set a window to a special position and size that can be given
- by a settings list.
- WComm has a palette window which enables the user to manipulate the wbench
- colours upto 256 colours.
- Each hotkey can be changed to the users needs.
- WComm can open a shell via hotkey which uses the path and stack which is
- defined in the startup-sequence.
- WComm can kill windows which are left from other programs.
- WComm is a commodity and full controllable with exchange.
- WComm is full font independent. It sizes all windows and gadgets dependent
- to the size of the current used wbench font. Also the tile and cascade
- functions uses the height of the window title bars.
- You will see, WComm has a lot of features. So will not be surprised when
- you hear WComm`s size is about 80 kb. But you can spare a lot of other
- commodities if you are using WComm. Such as
- IntuiHelp,
- clocks,
- cron programs,
- palette programs,
- tilers and cascade programs,
- window zappers etc...
- WComm has a full gadtools user interface and enables the user to call
- all functions with the mouse or even the keyboard.
- All windows and functions are fully asynchron that means all modifi-
- cations of the settings will get visual immediate.
- WComm is controlled by several configuration files.
- For each kind of functions exists a different configuration file. There
- is an exclude, a window settings and a notify configuration file.
- All files have two default names which can be loaded automatically at
- startup.
- Also WComm has aother configuration file which contains all values of
- the hotkeys, window positions, clock settings etc...
- All configuration files can be modified, edited, loaded and saved from
- the several windows.
- To get this more comfortable some configuration files can be edited
- directly by the user with an text editor (see the sections about the
- windows).
- Each hotkey can be changed and saved from the main window. The default
- hotkey to open the main window is `control o`.
- More:
- WComm just supports some features of the new OS 3.0. So the palette window
- is able to handle upto 256 different colours. WComm is able to recognize if
- running on an OS 2.04 or OS 3.0 system.
- The design of some windows and gadget may be different under OS 3.0.
- The palette gadget owns no more indicator. The image of the currently
- activated colour is displayed recessed.
- The listview gadgets doesn`t display a text gadget which indicateds the
- currently selected entry. The selcted entry is indicated with an inverse
- image.
- System Requirements:
- WComm needs OS 2.04 or better to run, because it is a standard commodity.
- It is tested under OS 2.04 and 3.0 and runs (I hope so :-) with no errors.
- The memory usage of WComm is much dependent to the sizes of the several
- lists. But it should run with no problems on Amigas with >= 1 MB memory.
- To save although memory you can disable some functions, i.e. the notify,
- and exclude functions. Also each hotkey which is disabled spares some
- bytes, which will otherwise allocated by the system.
- WComm handles all resources and structures dynamically. That means: memory
- will only be allocated when needed. If some structures will not be needed
- anymore the memory for this will be given back to the system.
- Legal Stuff:
- This program and all files come with it, also the docfiles, are
- released as FREEWARE.
- this means:
- everybody may use WComm,
- everybody may copy WComm, if:
- 1. You copy all included files, see list at the end of the
- doc file.
- 2. No changes are made, this means the program and all
- included files must stay in the original form.
- Exception: you may archive it; but in this case you
- must also archive the whole package.
- 3. If you decompile it, you have to include a notice to
- the original author. If you also want to (re)distribute
- it in any new form, you have to send me a copy.
- 4. You may not sell WComm.
- Execption: you`re allowed to take a small copy fee,
- which should not extend 5US$.
- 5. If you want to include WComm or one of the included files
- as a part of a commercial package, you must have written
- permission from the author (address see below).
- I take no warranty or guaranty for the function of this program.
- The whole risk of using WComm stays only by the user.
- Installation and Start:
- Installation:
- The installation is very easy. First you have to copy all needed
- configuration files of WComm to your envarc: drawer.
- 1_> Copy #?.prefs ENVARC:
- Then the following file should be located in the envarc: drawer:
- XWindow.prefs,
- ZWindow.prefs
- WComm.prefs
- Notify.prefs
- If you want to copy their icons too, you can type:
- 1_> Copy #?.prefs.info ENVARC:
- You have to decide now if you want to run WComm at each startup
- automatically or just sometimes. And if you want to start WComm
- from wbench or cli.
- If you want to use WComm automatically after each startup you can
- just drop its icon to your wbstartup drawer.
- (see also section WBench-Start).
- drawer. Check in this case if the `DONOTWAIT` tooltype is set.
- Otherwise the WBench would wait until the program finishes.
- You can alternatively insert something like:
- Run >NIL: <NIL: WComm <arguments>
- into your User-Startup script.
- Alternatively you can insert a line into your user-startup file
- i.e.:
- Run <path>WComm >NIL: <NIL:
- WComm understands also some cli arguments, you can pass to it at
- startup. (See sections CLI-Start).
- If you want to use WComm just sometimes you could just drop its icon
- into your commodities drawer.
- Alternatively you can copy WComm to your c: directory.
- 1_> Copy WComm c:
- Start:
- WComm is a standard commodity. So if started the second time it will
- be finished.
- If WComm is started it stays in the background and waits for receiving
- messages. In this time no CPU time will be wasted, except the time for
- the title clock.
- WComm can be controlled with the exchange tool. If you want to open
- WComm`s main window and you have forgotten the hotkey you can use
- exchange. You can also enable, disable and quit WComm with exchange.
- CLI-Start:
- When started from cli WComm supports the following arguments and
- options:
- These arguments must follow this
- Syntax:
- WComm [Config][CX_POPUP=P/S][WPrefs=W/K][EPrefs=E/K][CX_Priority=C/K/N]
- [Nitify=N/K]
- Config
- this is name of the configuration file which should WComm load at
- starttime. If you do not specify Config, WComm looks first for the
- file `env:WComm.prefs` and then if not found for the
- `envarc:WComm.prefs` file.
- If WComm cannot found the given or default configuration files, you
- will get a requester which will inform you about this.
- The configuration file is a binary file and should not be edited
- manually with a texteditor. Do not try this, or you will risk a
- system crash.
- This is a switch. If you specify it, WComm will open its main window
- whenc started. The default is: do not open it.
- WPrefs
- This is the name of the window configuration file.
- If you do not specify WPrefs, WComm looks first for the file
- `env:ZWindow.prefs` and then if not found for the
- `envarc:ZWindow.prefs` file.
- If WComm cannot found the given or default configuration files, you
- will get a requester which will inform you about this.
- The window configuration file contains titles, positions and sizes
- for some windows.
- (See also section window settings window).
- This file contains only ascii characters and can be edited with a
- texteditor. You have to use the following format:
- Each line represents one window,
- the window titles must not contain any whitespaces,
- AmigaDOS patterns in window titles are supported,
- after each value you have to insert a whitespace,
- no comments are allowed.
- Syntax: <window title> <X> <Y> <W> <H>
- WindowTitle: The window titel with optionally amigados wildcards.
- The pattern support enables WComm to recognize windows which titles
- will be changed at any time such as wbench windows (when you copy or
- delete something).
- Example:
- RAM#?
- will match
- Ram Disk 100% full 0 % free ...
- RaMDisK ...
- WComm will make no case sensitive difference. So RamDisK matches
- RAMDISK and ramdisk etc.
- X: This is the leftedge the window should be moved to.
- Y: This is the topedge the window should be moved to.
- W: This is the width the window should be resized to.
- H: This is the height the window should be resized to.
- This values can be activated with the function `Set to prefs`
- (see List Of Functions). If the active window matches an entry
- of this list, the window will be moved to the x and y positions and
- resized to the w and h values.
- WComm can only move windows which contains a dragbar.
- WComm can only resize windows which contains a sizegadget.
- You can specify different settings for each window and save this to
- disk.
- You can also specify a supergroup here. If you have some windows
- with the same first chars and you want to change each one different
- e.g.:
- for
- `Shell1`, `Shell2` and `Shell#?`, you can have an entry with
- Shell1 and Shell2 and Shell. If you now got a window with title
- `Shell4` the Shell#? entry will be used, instead Shell1 will only
- use the `Shell1` entry.
- EPrefs
- This is the name of the exclusion configuration file.
- If you do not specify EPrefs, WComm looks first for the file
- `env:XWindow.prefs` and then if not found for the
- `envarc:XWindow.prefs` file.
- If WComm cannot found the given or default configuration files, you
- will get a requester which will inform you about this.
- The exclude configuration file contains titles of windows which
- should be excluded from some functions. So can e.g. exclude the
- clock so its window will be ignored by the tiling and cascading
- functions.(See also section Exclusion Window).
- This file contains only ascii characters and can be edited with a
- texteditor. You have to use the following format:
- Syntax: <window title>
- Each line represents a new window. You may use AmigaDOS wildcards.
- There must be no whitespaces.
- CX_Priority
- This is commodity priority which WComm should use. The default
- priority is 0. If you have another commodity running which uses
- a same hotkey combination, only the commodity with the higher
- priority will get the message. The one with the lower priority
- will still stay asleep.
- Do not use higher priorities than 5 and lower priorities than -5.
- Notify
- This is the name of the notify configuration file.
- If you do not specify Notify, WComm looks first for the file
- `env:Notify.prefs` and then if not found for the
- `envarc:Notify.prefs` file.
- If WComm cannot found the given or default configuration files, you
- will get a requester which will inform you about this.
- The Notify configuration file contains the notify dates and times
- and the commands which should be started at the given dates.
- This file contains only ascii characters and can be edited with a
- texteditor. Because of the complicated format I will suggest you to
- edit this file only from the notify window.
- So I will not describe the syntax of this file.
- WBench-Start:
- If you want to start WComm from the wbench, you can instead of specifying
- any cli argument, set some tooltypes.
- These are:
- The arguments are equal to the cli arguments. You must take care
- that the arguments are case sensitive.
- The syntax: (do not type the <>`s)
- CONFIG=<name of the configuration file>
- CX_POPUP=<YES|NO> this can only be either YES or NO.
- WPREFS=<name of window configuration file>
- EPREFS=<name of exclusion file>
- CX_PRIORITY=<#> # must be a number
- NOTIFY=<name of the notify file>
- for the system you can also use the following tooltypes
- TOOLPRI=<#> this is the priority the wbench should
- give to WComm, this is not the commodity
- priority.
- CLI This has no argument. This asks the wbench
- to open its `command execute` window which
- lets you specify some CLI arguments. Then
- the wbench will run WComm as a cli program.
- DONOTWAIT If you put WComm into your WBStartup drawer
- you have to specify this. This is quite equal
- to the Run >NIL <NIL cli command. If omitted
- the wbench will wait until WComm is finished.
- HotKeys:
- For each function you can specify another hotkey combination.
- A hotkey is a combination of a qualifier and a keycode.
- Qualifier means buttons such as shift, alt, control etc...
- Keycodes means all other buttons.
- A hotkey may consist of only a keycode but not only of a qualifier.
- Here is a list of available hotkeys:
- Available Qualifiers:
- lshift : left shift
- rshift : right shift
- WComm.doc Page 4
- shift : any shift
- lalt : left alt
- ralt : right alt
- alt : any alt
- lcommand : left amiga
- rcommand : right amiga (take care for menu-shortcuts)
- command : any amiga
- control : control key
- lbutton : pressing down the left mousebutton
- rbutton : pressing down the right mousebutton
- midbutton : pressing down the middle mousebutton (if you
- have some)
- diskinserted : inserting a disk
- diskremove : removing a disk
- Available Keycodes:
- a,b ... z : any aphanumerical
- 0,1 ... 9 : key
- üäö? : also umlauts
- +-.,*/|\?... : and other special keys
- f1,f2 ... f10 : the function keys
- space : space key
- backspace : backspace key
- up,down,left,right : the cursor keys
- esc : the escape key
- del : the delete key
- numericpad : note: there is a differnce between the
- : keys on the standart keyboard and the
- : keys on the numericpad. If you want to
- : specify a key on the numericpad, you have
- : to type `numericpad #` where # is the
- : normal key. E.g. `numericpad 8` will only
- : fit the `8` on the numericpad and not the
- : `8` on the standart keyboard.
- return : the return key
- esc : the escape key
- Examples:
- shift control lbutton
- Wird die Shift- zusammen mit der Control- Taste gedrückt und dann
- die linke Maustaste betätigt.
- f10
- Die Funktionstaste f10.
- ralt numericpad 9
- Die rechte Alt-Taste mit der 9 des Ziffernblocks.
- List Of Functions:
- Here is now a list of all supported functions and their default
- hotkey combinations. For each new version of WComm this list will
- be updated.
- How to use the popup window and change the hotkeys will be described
- later in this manual.
- There are some funtions especially the cascading and tiling functions which
- will use a left and top offset to move the windows. The left and top offset
- values depends on your system font. So I cannot tell you which value of
- pixels will be used, because I don`t know you currently used font. I will
- therefor refer to these values with LeftOffset and TopOffset.
- POPUP: (default: `control o`)
- This opens the popup window of the WComm program. On this window you
- change several settings. Load a new prefs file and save the current
- settings, quit out WComm and so on ...
- Alternatively you can use the exchange tool by clicking on the show
- button.
- EXIT: (default: `control q`)
- This tells WComm to remove immediately from memory without any ask
- requester. You can check this by calling the exchange program.
- Close Window: (default: `control esc`)
- This hotkey tries to close the current activated window by sending
- it an InputEvent with CLOSEWINDOW. This does only function with
- windows with a CloseGadget.
- Enlarge Window: (default: `control f1`)
- This enlarges the current activated window to the MaxWidth and
- MaxHeight settings of the window or to the screen borders. This
- does not function with windows without any SizeGadget.
- Minimize Window: (default: `control f2`)
- This reduces the size of a window to its MinWidth and MinHeight
- settings. This does not function with windows without any
- SizeGadget.
- Reset Window: (default: `control f3`)
- When WComm first tries to manipulate a window (not with tiling and
- cascading), it will save its current settings so you are able to
- reset a window to the old place and size it has before WComm has
- changed anything. This does only function when the window is
- manipulated from WComm before.
- Zip Window: (default: `control f5`)
- Zooms a window. This does the same than click on the ZipGadget of a
- window. The system zip function saves the place and size of a window
- before you zip it. so zipping again brings the window to place and
- size before the first zipping.
- Reduce Width: (default: shift alt left`)
- This reduces the width of a window by the LeftOffset
- Reduce Height: (default: shift alt up`)
- This reduces the height of a window by TopOffset.
- Reduce Both: (default: shift alt backspace`)
- This reduces the width of window by LeftOffset and the height by
- TopOffset.
- Enlarge Width: (default: shift alt right`)
- This enlarges the width of a window by LeftOffset.
- Enlarge Height: (default: shift alt down`)
- This enlarges the height of a window by TopOffset.
- Enlarge Both: (default: shift alt space`)
- This enlarges the width of a window by 24 pixels and the height
- by 12 pixels.
- Move Left Top: (default: `lalt numericpad 7`)
- This resizes the width of the window to the half width and height
- of the screen and moves it to the left top of the screen.
- Move Right Top: (default: `lalt numericpad 9`)
- This resizes the width of the window to the half width and height
- of the screen and moves it to the right top of the screen.
- Move Left Bottom: (default: `lalt numericpad 1`)
- This resizes the width of the window to the half width and height
- of the screen and moves it to the left bottom of the screen.
- Move Right Bottom: (default: `lalt numericpad 3`)
- This resizes the width of the window to the half width and height
- and moves it to the right bottom of the screen.
- Move To Center: (default: `lalt numericpad 5`)
- This resizes the width of the window to the half width and height
- and moves it to center of the screen.
- Move Left Screen: (default: `lalt numericpad 4`)
- This resizes the width of the window to the half width and height
- moves moves it vertically centered to the left edge of the screen.
- Move Right Screen: (default: `lalt numericpad 6`)
- This resizes the width of the window to the half width and height
- and moves it vertically centered to the right edge of the screen.
- Move Top Screen: (default: `lalt numericpad 8`)
- This resizes the width of the window to the half width and height
- and moves it horizontally centered to the top edge of the screen.
- Move Down Screen: (default: `lalt numericpad 4`)
- This resizes the width of the window to the half width and height
- and moves it horizontally centered to the bottom edge of the screen.
- Move Up: (default: `shift control up`)
- This moves the window up by TopOffset.
- Move Left: (default: `shift control left`)
- This moves the window left by LeftOffset.
- Move Right: (default: `shift control right`)
- This moves the window right by LeftOffset.
- Move Down: (default: `shift control down`)
- This moves the window down by TopOffset.
- Set To Prefs: (default: `control f4`)
- This resets the window to the settings specified in the window
- list. If there is no matching title this does nothing.
- Set To Right Limit: (default: `control f6`)
- This enlarges the width of the window to the right screen border.
- Set To Bottom Limit: (default: `shift control f6`)
- This enlarges the height of the window to the bottom screen border.
- Size To Limits: (default: `control f7`)
- This enlarges the width of the window to the right screen border
- and the height to the bottom border.
- Tiling Windows: (default: `control f8`)
- By calling this functions, WComm tries to manipulates all windows
- on the currently active screen in a way that there are no more
- overlapped areas between the windows.
- E.g. if you have 4 shell windows on the workbench screen and you
- call this function, the windows will be sized to the half of the
- screenwidth and height and placed in the upper left, upper right,
- lower left and lower right edge of the screen. If you have instead
- 8 shell windows there, they will be resized to 1/8 th of the screen
- height and width.
- This functions handles upto 16 (!) window positions. I won`t say
- too much, but ... , try and joy it.
- And ?
- You will see that all odd numbers of windows will fill up first
- the upper rows of windows and then the lower ones.
- If you have more then 16 windows the others will be managed in
- the same way and positioned above the older.
- Tiling also brings the currently resized and repositioned window
- to the front automatically. This is not standard and will not be
- used by other tiling programs.
- An other aspect is, if you use a lot of windows (shells or drawers)
- you can wait (under OS 2.xx) a lot of time until the refresh of
- the windows has been finished. In this time a tiling functions
- normally has to wait until this refresh process has been finished,
- before it can go on to the next window. Imagine you have 10 shell
- windows (or drawers ...) what time will be wasted when using a
- standard Amiga. So I decided to increase the speed a little
- (or more). Each processing window will be analyzed. If its a
- SMART_REFRESH window its flags will be changed so the tiling
- functions have no more to wait until the window has been refreshed.
- The tiling process is speeded up a lot.
- After the process the window gets its old flags again.
- Cascading Left To Right: (default: `shift control f8`)
- Here all windows will be cascaded positioned from the left upper
- corner of the screen to right. Each window is positioned LeftOffset
- more to the right.
- Cascading Top To Bottom: (default: `control f9`)
- Here all windows will be cascaded positioned from the left upper
- corner of the screen to lower left. Each window is positioned
- TopOffset under the previous.
- Cascading Hor&Vertically: (default: `shift control f9`)
- Here all windows will be cascaded positioned from the left upper
- corner of the screen to lower right. Each window is positioned
- LeftOffset more to the right and TopOffset under the previous.
- Cascading Bottom To Top: (default: `control f10`)
- Here all windows will be cascaded positioned from the lower right
- corner of the screen to upper right. Each window is positioned
- TopOffset above the previous.
- Previous Window: (default: `lcommand left`)
- This activates the previous window in the screen`s window list.
- Here only windows will be used which`s titles are not specified
- in the window exclusion list.
- Next Window: (default: `lcommand right`)
- This activates the next window in the screen`s window list.
- Here only windows will be used which`s titles are not specified
- in the window exclusion list.
- Prev Window To Front: (default: `shift lcommand left`)
- This activates the previous window in the screen`s window list
- and brings it to the front. Here only windows will be used which`s
- titles are not specified in the window exclusion list.
- Next Window To Front: (default: `shift lcommand right`)
- This activates the next window in the screen`s window list
- and brings it to the front. Here only windows will be used which`s
- titles are not specified in the window exclusion list.
- Window To Front: (default: `lcommand return`)
- This brings the currently active window to the front.
- Window To Back: (default: `lcommand esc`)
- This brings the currently active window to the back.
- Next Screen: (default: `lcommand up`)
- This cycles the frontmost screen behind the last screen.
- Kill Window: (default: `shift control esc`)
- This is a funtion, that gives you the ability to kill windows which
- are left from other programs which had been terminated by a crash etc.
- The currently activated window will be closed.
- Do not try to close windows from applications that are currently
- running. In this case you will get a crash.
- Open Shell (default: `shift control s`)
- This just opens a newshell. The path and stack of the boot shell will be
- used.
- Open Exclude Window (default: `shift control x`)
- Opens the exclude window without popping up the main window.
- Open Settings Window (default: `shift control l`)
- Opens the Windowlist window without popping up the main window.
- Open Clock Prefs Window (default: `shift control c`)
- Opens the Clockprefs window without popping up the main window.
- Open Palette Window (default: `shift control p`)
- Opens the Palette window without popping up the main window.
- Open Notify Window (default: `shift control n`)
- Opens the Notify window without popping up the main window.
- Summary:
- Moving functions will only affect windows which owns a DRAG_BAR.
- Sizing functions will only affect windows which owns a SIZE_GADGET.
- Zip function will only affect windows which owns a ZIP_GADGET.
- FRONT/BACK actions will only affect windows which are not backdrop
- windows like the old 1.3 WBench window.
- Next/Prev, Cascading and Tiling actions will only affect windows
- which are not included in the window exclusion list.
- The SetToPrefs function will only affect windows which are included
- in the window settings list.
- The Reset function will only affect windows which has been
- manipulated by WComm before (not the cascading and tiling functions)
- you call this function.
- Tiling and Cascading will try to move and size windows. If one window
- dosn`t contain a SizeGadget the window will only be moved. If a
- window is a backdrop window, it will not be affected.
- The window settings list and window exclusion list files can specify
- any window title by specifying the first word by amigados pattern
- matching.
- You are also able to create `super groups`.
- General:
- Before describing the windows I will first say something general about the
- usage of the user interface.
- For almost each gadget exists a key you can press alternatively instead
- of using the mouse. This key is usually displayed underscored.
- For some important functions this keyboard equivalent doesn`t exist.
- This is for security not to overwrite existing projects etc.
- Also conflicts with hotkeys will not appear. (Note all hotkeys are
- user definable).
- To click on a CloseGadgets means the same than use the quit or cancel
- gadgets.
- All functions are available at any time. This means each window is
- asyncronious. So you can modify a setting and you will immediately see the
- success.
- OS 2.04 Gadgets:
- This button will be displayed inversiv when you click on its
- image with the left mousebutton. If you release the button on
- its imaginary the function will be started.
- This gadget have two states. If this gadget is activated the hook
- is visual otherwise not.
- This gadget enables you to easily edit a short text which is
- displayed in the gadget box. After pressing the return key, the
- editing is finished.
- If you press the underlined key the gadget becomes activated and
- you can suddenly start to edit the text.
- This kind of gadget displays one selection from a list.
- By clicking on this gadget the next selection will be displayed.
- To press the underlined key is exactly the same than clicking
- on this gadget. If you press the underlined key together with the
- SHIFT key, the previous selection will be displayed instead.
- MX_Gadget:
- Here you can select also a selection. But you can see all
- selections at the same time. If you activate one entry the
- previously selected one will be automatically deselected.
- The body of the gadget (mostly in black) displays the relation
- between the total number of elements, to the currently displayed
- number of elements. If you click under or above the body but in
- the gadgetbox, you will scroll to the next (previous) page. If you
- click on the body and hold down the mousebutton while moving the
- mousepointer, you can get a continous moving.
- Also here does the underlined key together with the SHIFT key a
- scroll back.
- This gadget displays a list. Activating by clicking with thre left
- mouse button.
- No keyboard support.
- The Main Window:
- If you use the hotkey for popping up (default: control o), the main
- window will be opened. This window will also appear if you use the
- exchange tool by activating the show gadget or if you specify CX_POPUP
- at starttime.
- On this window you can edit, load or save the configuration file.
- You can open all other windows and edit the hotkeys.
- LISTVIEW Gadget:
- The ListView gadget displays a list of all available functions of WComm.
- You can use the arrow gadgets to scroll up and down through the list.
- If you click on a line, the from this function used hotkey combination
- will be displayed in the Current Text gadget under the ListView gadget.
- Edit:
- New:
- If you click on the Edit gadget, the New string gadget becomes unghosted
- and active. After specifying another hotkey code combination, the
- combination will be used to replace the old one.
- If the combination`s syntax is correct and can be allocated from the
- system, the string gadget will get ghosted again and the used hotkey
- will be displayed in the Current text gadget.
- If you instead type in an incorrect combination, the program uses its
- defaults and you will get the currently used one in the text and string
- gadget.
- Under the ListView gadget there are still two more gadgets. If you have
- selected a list entry you can click either on Enable or Disable to
- enable/disable the selected hotkey. Of course you can only use disable,
- if the hotkey is currently active and vice versa.
- The gadgets on the right handside of the window are:
- The Open gadget lets you reload the default configuration file. The
- select gadget lets you use the asl filerequester to select one.
- The Save gadget lets you save the currently used hotkeys under the
- default name `env:WComm.prefs`. The SaveAs gadget lets you use the asl
- filerequester to select a name to save the config file to. Default file
- is `envarc:WComm.prefs`.
- The Restore gadget does an undo for the currently selected hotkey,
- while the default, uses the default settings for all hotkeys and
- (re)activates them.
- Open Exclude Window:
- This brings up the Exclusion window, which will be described later in
- this manual.
- Open Settings Window:
- This brings up the Window Settings window, which will be described later
- in this manual.
- Open Clock Prefs Window:
- This brings up the Clock Prefs window, which will be also described
- later.
- Open Palette Window:
- This brings up the palette window which will be described later in this
- manual.
- With Hide you can close the window while WComm stays still active,
- instead Quit finishes the program. If you select Quit and you have
- changed the settings without saving you will get a requester which lets
- you chose if you want to save it first. Else you got a requester if you
- really want to quit WComm.
- The EXIT hotkey means mainly the same but if selected no confirmation
- requester will be opened.
- The Exclusion Window:
- On this window you are able to change the currently used exclusion list.
- Also you can edit, save and load another one.
- This window can be opened from the main window or via hotkey.
- Windowtitles which matches the titles in this list will be excluded by
- some functions like
- tiling, cascading, next and previous activations etc.
- The list entries consists of amigados patterns with wildcards. Therefor
- you must take care not to insert redundant title entries. Because in
- this case only the first entry will be used.
- The gadgets on the window are:
- The listview gadget displays a list of all excluded window titles.
- If you select an entry this title is copyed into the string gadget
- and this gadget becomes active. Now you can edit the title.
- If you press return the new title will replace the old one.
- NEW:
- With new you can create a new entry in the exclusion list. This
- entry is initially called unnamed. The stringgadget becomes active
- and you can edit the new entry immediately.
- REM:
- With this button you are able to remove an entry from the
- current list. Take care that you should not use a name twice.
- Also whitespaces are not allowed.
- If you have two entries with the same name and you select Rem,
- the upper one will be removed.
- You can also disable and enable an entry. If you click on disable
- the currently selected entry will get an `>>` in front of the name.
- You can only disable entries which are currently enabled.
- If you click on enable the currently selected entry will be
- enabled again. You can only enable entries which are disabled
- before.
- This lets WComm try to load the default exclusion list
- (`env:XWindow.prefs`,`envarc:XWindow.prefs`). If these could not
- be found you will get an error message.
- This opens a filerequester which lets you select another exclusion
- file to load.
- This saves the actual list to env:XWindow.prefs
- This opens the filerequester which displays the second default
- exclusion file envarc:XWindow.prefs. Certainly you can also use
- another name than the default.
- USE:
- This closes the exclusion window.
- This closes the exclusion window and ask you to quit the WComm
- program.
- The Window Prefs Window:
- On this window you are able to change the currently used window settings
- list. Also you can save and load another one.
- You can specify here window titles and their default positions and sizes.
- This settings can be used with the `Set To Prefs` function.
- This window can be opened from the main window or via hotkey.
- The gadgets on the window are:
- The listview gadget displays a list of all known titles.
- If you select an entry the title will be copied into the string
- gadget and this gadget becomes active. The leftedge, topedge, width
- and height settings will be copied into the integer gadgets under
- the string gadget. Now you can edit all values.
- NEW:
- With new you can create a new entry in the settings list.
- This entry is initially named unnamed. The string gadget becomes
- active and you can edit the new entry immediately.
- REM:
- With this button you are able to remove an entry from the current
- list. Take care that you should not use a name twice. Also spaces
- in the titles are not allowed.
- If you have two entries with the same name and you select Rem, always
- the upper one will be removed.
- You can also disable and enable an entry. If you click on disable
- the currently selected entry will get an `>>` in front of the name.
- You can only disable entries which are currently enabled.
- If you click on enable the currently selected entry will be enabled
- again. You can only enable entries which are disabled before.
- LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height:
- These integer gadgets accepts only numbers. They display the settings
- of the currently selected entry. To change a value, just type in
- another value and press return.
- This lets WComm try to load the default window settings list
- (`env:ZWindow.prefs`,`envarc:ZWindow.prefs`). If these could not be
- found, you will get an error message.
- This opens a filerequester which lets you select another settings
- file to load.
- This saves the actual list to env:ZWindow.prefs
- SAVEAS...:
- This opens the filerequester which displays the second default
- settings file envarc:ZWindow.prefs. Certainly you can also use
- another name than the default.
- USE:
- This closes the window.
- This closes the window and ask you to quit the WComm program.
- The Clock Prefs Window:
- This window can be opened from the main window or directly via hotkey.
- On this window you can control the display and the settings of the clock
- window and modify them or even close the clock window.
- The default is to open the clock window. It displays not date and the
- time as hours:minutes.
- Now the description of the gadgets.
- Clock Type ('T' or 't')
- This controls wether the clock window should be opened or not.
- Default: ON.
- Time Format ('f' or 'F')
- This controls the format of the time display You may select one of
- theses:
- HH:MM - Hours:Minutes (DEFAULT)
- HH:MM:SS - Hours:Minutes:Seconds
- 24H:MM - 24-Hour clock Hours:Minutes
- 24H:MI:SE - 24-Hour clock Hours:Minutes:Seconds
- Date Type ('y' or 'Y')
- This controls the date display format. Available format
- types:
- No Date - Display no date (default)
- WD Day-Month-Year - Weekday Day-Month-Jahr
- ShoWD Day-Month-Year - Short weekday Day-Moth-Year
- Day-Month-Year - No weekday Day-Month-Year
- Width ('w' or 'W')
- This is the width of the clock window. You may chose a value from
- 150 to 450. default: 150.
- LeftEdge ('l' or 'L')
- This is the left position of the clock window.
- Default: 0.
- TopEdge ('o' or 'O')
- This is the upper position of the clock window.
- Default: 0.
- Alarm On ('n' or 'N')
- The clock has the ability to inform the user at a given time with an
- alarm (a screen flash). If this gadget is activated, the alarm is on.
- Default: OFF.
- Beep Each Hour ('p' or 'P')
- Also WComm may beep each hour. If this gadget is activated this
- funtion is activated.
- Default:OFF.
- Al Hour ('a' or 'A')
- This is the hour which should be used by the alarm function.
- Default: 0.
- Al Min ('m' or 'M')
- This is the minute which should be used by the alarm function.
- Default: 0.
- Use ('u' or 'U')
- The current settings will be used and the window will be closed.
- Cancel ('c' or 'C' or ESC)
- The current settings will not be used. Instead the values
- before opening the clock prefs window will be used.
- The window will be closed.
- All settings on this window can be saved into the configuration file.
- Each modification will change the display of the clock just by the next
- displaying second. If you close the clock window by using the CloseGadget,
- this will not affect the currently opened clock prefs window. If you
- close and reopen the clock prefs window you will notice that the clock
- type has been changed to `No Clock`.
- The Palette Window:
- This window can be opened via gadget from the main window or directly
- via hotkey.
- All functions on this window handles the modifications of the
- wbench colours. Because you can use with OS 3.0 up to 256 colours for
- your wbench, you cannot use older palette programs. So this had been
- included.
- The functions will be shortly described. I think everybody knows such
- programs. Nevertheless here are the gadgets description:
- This selects the current colour for all modification functions.
- Under OS 2.04 you see an indicator left beneth the gadget.
- RED ('r' or 'R')
- GREEN ('g' or 'G')
- BLUE ('b' or 'B')
- These slider gadgets modify the red green and blue values of the
- current colour. Upto now I used only the usual 16 levels for compati-
- bility with OS 2.04. Newer versions may use all new 256 value levels.
- The lower case characters will increase the specific value while the
- upper ones will decrease it.
- Copy ('o')
- If you click on this gadget, the mousepointer will be changed into a TO.
- This means no activitation except a click on the palette gadget is now
- allowed. If you click on this palette gadget the mousepointer gets
- normal again and the older colour will be copied to the current one.
- Exchange ('e')
- This does quite the same, but the second colour will be exchanged with
- the first one.
- Undo ('d')
- If the Palette window will be first opened, WComm reads all colours. If
- you modify the colours and click then on Undo, the old values will be
- restored.
- Reset ('r')
- This restores only the current colour. This functions with each colour
- independent.
- Use ('u')
- Use all modifications and close the window.
- Cancel ('c')
- Use the old values and close the window.
- Note: If you change the colours of your wbench screen, they will
- be only written to the viewport of the screen. If you start
- a tool like the palette wbench tool you get the old values
- back, before any modification. This is not a BUG.
- The Notify Window:
- This window can be opened via gadget from the main window or directly
- via hotkey.
- All functions on this window handles the modifications of the notify
- list. You can also load and save the notify list.
- The list consists of a title, a message text, the date of the notify
- and an optional command which should be started.
- There are also three kinds of launching such a command. EXECUTE, RUN
- and AREXX.
- Notification requester will appear on the given date and time.
- Optionally the requester can start a whole commandline at this time.
- The requester can also be disabled and only the command will be
- executed. The date which should be used for the notifies can be set
- with specifying the hour, minute, month and day. Each of theses items
- may be activated or not. But one item must be activated otherwise
- this entry will be ignored. With this concept you are also able to
- start a given request each hour or only one at the given date. See
- also the examples section.
- Gadget Description:
- LISTVIEW Gadget:
- This gadget displays the titles of all entries of the notify list.
- This title will be displayed in the title of the request.
- NEW:
- This gadget adds a new entry to the end of the current notify list.
- This entry is initially empty and disabled.
- REM:
- This gadget removes the currently displayed entry from the list.
- This gadget enables the currently selected entry. You can only
- activate entries which are just disabled.
- This gadget disables the currently selected entry. You can only
- disable entries which are still enabled.
- This string gadget contains the title of the notify requester.
- This string gadget contains the text of the requester. You can
- specify here multiple lines with an `|`. The string can be upto 256
- characters in length.
- If you want to start an command at the given time of the current
- notify, you can insert here the command. To activate the command of
- the notify you must activate also the action checkbox.
- If this checkbox is activated, a requester will be displayed
- otherwise not.
- HOUR and 1:
- This is the hour, when the notify should be invoked. The value will
- only be used if the hour checkbox (`1`) is activated.
- MIN and 2:
- This is the minute, when the notify should be invoked. The value will
- only be used if the minute checkbox (`2`) is activated.
- MON and 3:
- This is the month, when the notify should be invoked. The value will
- only be used if the month checkbox (`3`) is activated.
- DAY and 4:
- This is the day, when the notify should be invoked. The value will
- only be used if the day checkbox (`4`) is activated.
- NOTE: At minimum one of this date and time checkboxes must be
- activated, otherwise the notify will be ignored.
- This cycle gadget decides which type of command should be executed.
- There are three available kinds:
- This starts simply a program or cli command and waits until
- it has been finished. If the command produces any output this
- output will be copyed to a new opened shell window. Otherwise
- this window will still stay closed (AUTO SHELL).
- This starts a program or command in the background. All in
- and outputs will be sent to NIL:.
- This will invoke RX with the given arexx script.
- Note: All types of commands will use the path and stack which had
- been set in the startup-seuqence.
- If this checkbox is activated, the notify will be displayed only
- once. You are able to specify notifies which can popup each hour.
- If you do not want this, you can specify Once and the notify will be
- invoked only once. If Wcomm is starting the next time the request
- will be displayed again only once (See examples).
- If this checkbox is activated, the notify envokes the given
- commandline otherwise not.
- This opens the default notify configuration file which is called
- `env:notify.prefs`. If this is not found the `envarc:notify.prefs`
- will be tried to load. If this cannot be loaded nothing happens.
- This brings up the filerequester which lets you chose a new notify
- configuration file.
- This saves the current notify list under the default names.
- This bring up the filerequester to chose a name the notify list
- should be saved to.
- USE:
- This uses the notify setting and closes the window.
- This ask the user to quit WComm and closes the window.
- =========
- Because its a little morre difficult, so I will give you here some
- (less) useful examples.
- 1. You want that WComm notifies you at christmas. Only a requester
- should appear.:
- Request: !!! Merry Christmas !!!
- Message: I wish you a merry christmas|an hope you will get a lot|
- of wonderful presents
- Mon: 12 3: activated
- Day: 24 4: activated
- Once: activated
- Here you will see the usage of the Once gadget. If not activated,
- you will get the requester each minute. So you will get the requester
- each 24-Dec each year, but only once on these days.
- 2. You want to get a message each first quarter of an hour to notify
- you its time for a break.
- Request: !!! Break Time !!!
- Message: Okay Boy |Its now the time for a cup of coffe| or do you
- prefer tea ?
- Min: 15 2: activated
- 3. You want to start a backup of your drive dh0: automatically each
- month on the 3rd day of the month. You will first receive a message
- to stop all other computer activities. Assuming you have the program
- backup into your current dos searchpath.
- Request: !!! Backup Time !!!
- Message: Okay Boy !| No it is the time to start a| new backup
- Command: Backup DH0:
- Day: 3 4: activated
- Once: activated
- action: activated
- You can also put in all dates of the birthdays of all friends and you
- will never forget these dates anymore. Set the date one day before
- their birthday and you will not forget to buy a present.
- The Clock Window:
- All settings of the display of this clock can be modified by using the
- Clock Prefs window.
- The Clock can be closed by pressing the CloseGadget. To reopen it again
- you must use the Clock Prefs window.
- You cannot move the Clock with the mouse. If you want to change the
- position of the clock, you must use the Clock Prefs window too.
- The display of the clock will be refreshes only 1 times per second.
- Between two refreshes the clock stays in the background and doesn`t
- waste any CPU time.
- Error Handling:
- WComm has been created under OS 3.0. I used Enforcer and hope that there
- are no more enforcer hits left. But also with best control some bugs may
- be left. So I support some error handling functions.
- Most errors should occur by errors of the usage. Also wrong configura-
- tion files and formats or other not so system conform programs may lead
- WComm to an error.
- For each error WComm tries to inform the user about the reason.
- By some errors the user will be only informed by some more serious
- errors the user gets the decision to break WComm or to proceed. If any
- very fatal error occures WComm have to terminate. But in all cases the
- user should get full informations about any reason.
- With soft errors the user will be only informed. After answering the
- requester, WComm proceeds.
- With more serious errors the user can decide if he wish to proceed or
- to stop WComm.
- I will suggest you: always finish WComm or you will get the risk that
- WComm cannot function well.
- With fatal errors WComm is not able to proceed. So when the user answers
- the requester, WComm have to terminate.
- If any unknown error occures, you should check whether WComm is correctly
- installed and if you have also the following libraries in your libs
- drawer:
- asl.library
- commodities.library
- If you cannot find the error, you should first use the manual to look for
- further details. If you cannot find the answer, you can write me a letter.
- I will do my best to answer all questions as good as possible.
- But do not forget to tell me correctly
- the error, all running background processes, your type of computer,
- your OS version, your expansions, memory and the version of WComm.
- So it will be much easier to find the reason.
- Technical:
- WComm is a standard commodity. It has all abilities and functions a
- comodity should have. Exchange gives you full control about the
- behaviour of WComm.
- WComm was written and created with the help of the following programs:
- AztecC Compiler Version 5.2a (® MANX),
- TurboText (® OXXI),
- SnoopDos (® Eddi Carroll)
- GadToolsBox (® Jaba Development),
- Enforcer (® Michael Sinz),
- DMake (® Matt Dillon)
- My best thanks to the programmers of these very good programs.
- My best thanks also to Mark Weisheit for giving me suggestions and help
- me to remove some errors.
- Instead of using the delivered standard startup routins from Aztec I
- used other ones that do not use the old 1.3 features which has been
- replaced with new OS 2.04 (37++) ones. This saves a lot of code size.
- Although WComm is got relatively big. The size of all used structures is
- only dependent to the free memory. All structures will be handled
- dynamically.
- List Of Files:
- WComm : english binary
- WComm.info :
- WComm_G : german binary
- WComm_G.info :
- WComm.doc : english documentation
- WComm.doc.info :
- WComm.dok : german documentation
- WComm.dok.info :
- WComm.guide : english AmigaGuide ® file
- WComm.guide.info :
- WComm_G.guide : german AmigaGuide ® file
- WComm_G.guide.info :
- History.log : history log file
- History.log.info :
- WComm.prefs : example configuration file
- ZWindow.prefs : example window list file
- XWindow.prefs : example exclusion list
- Notify.prefs : example notify file
- WComm.prefs.info :
- ZWindow.prefs.info :
- XWindow.prefs.info :
- Notify.prefs.info :
- Have Fun ...
- Address:
- For all mail and messages, bugs, gifts, and our critics ...
- Hans-Peter Guenther
- Gruener Weg 5
- W-3501 Fuldatal 2
- your H.P.G